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Director IDPS
International Delhi Public School believes that a child is like a bud and need to be nurtured carefully so that he or she blossom to her fullest potential. Education empowers students to discover themselves who they are as people. We at IDPS Shopian are very clear about what we want to deliver. We strives to produce young minds, who wish to engage with the world of knowledge, minds that are hungry for “more” It is our considered belief that if the process is right, the result will follow. At the same time we are committed to develop and enhance “Life skills” the ability to communicate, to lead to be a team prayer to empathize. And most of all we are committed to produce citizen with a secular global view, citizen who respect and indeed celebrate differences, and see differences as an unique opportunity to build a strong nation. I look forward to welcome you to IDPS and providing quality education to your children.